I get asked all of the time about products I love to use, services I prefer and how I build my business and serve my audience. So I've taken the time to put them together below. Please check them out, and all of the links below are affiliate links which means that I receive a very small commission if you decide to purchase the item. I really appreciate your love and support.
The One Thing
Author Gary Keller
YOU WANT LESS. You want fewer distractions and less on your plate. The daily barrage of e-mails, texts, tweets, messages, and meetings distract you and stress you out. The simultaneous demands of work and family are taking a toll. And what's the cost? Second-rate work, missed deadlines, smaller pay cheques, fewer promotions-and lots of stress. AND YOU WANT MORE.You want more productivity from your work. More income for a better lifestyle. You want more satisfaction from life, and more time for yourself, your family, and your friends.NOW YOU CAN HAVE BOTH-LESS AND MORE. In The ONE Thing, you'll learn to cut through the clutter, achieve better results in less time, build momentum toward your goal, dial down the stress, overcome that overwhelmed feeling, revive your energy, and stay on track, master what matters to you. The ONE Thing is the New York Times bestseller which delivers extraordinary results in every area of your life--work, personal, family, and spiritual. WHAT'S YOUR ONE THING?
RED Marketing
Create breakthrough marketing campaigns that achieve staggering consumer response rates by harnessing the power of R.E.D. Marketing: a transparent and flexible methodology from the CEO and CMO of marketing powerhouse Yum! Brands—Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut—with a genuine track record of success.
Sidestep the other marketing books, courses, articles, and even TED talks that offer hypothetical explanations that sound sensible. Embrace the proven, systematic approach of RED Marketing, which the recent CEO and current CMO of Yum! Brands applied to lead Taco Bell and KFC to double digit growth—no PhD required!
In 2011, Greg Creed had just been elevated from President to CEO of Taco Bell, a brand in deep distress at the time. It was on his shoulders to turn things around quickly along with co-author and CMO, Ken Muench. Together they developed the R.E.D (Relevance, Ease, Distinctiveness) method. It’s simple methodology does not require complicated terms and a PhD to understand, it’s actually quite simple—marketing works in three very different ways:
- Relevance—Is it relevant to the marketplace?
- Ease—Is it easy to access and use?
- Distinction—Does it stand out from competition?
Combining actual examples from Yum! and other recognizable brands of every size around the world; the latest findings in marketing, neuroscience, and behavioral economics; and the author’s own experience marketing three different brands across 120 countries—your brand can set and achieve a truly breakthrough marketing campaign utilizing R.E.D Marketing.